Here Am I
This song came from a discussion in our bible study that we have in our home. We are going through Tim Keller's book The Reason for God and Keller does a thorough job of showing how Christianity as a belief system not only holds up but has a unique splendor among the different belief systems of the current times. However, the point was made that although this is valuable, it is not the way that the apostles preached the validity of the gospel of Jesus as the Messiah. They were mainly concerned with a body of evidence that God himself had built (creation, the Law, the prophets, the miracles, the resurrection) as though they were presenting proofs to a jury. The beginning of Acts is a great example of the pattern of their testimony. It goes something like this: "We are eye witnesses of the God-man Jesus; a physical person who was, and is and is to come. He performed miracles witnessed by thousands. God spoke audibly in front of witnesses and testified himself about who this God-man was. He was born, ministered, was crucified and resurrected just as prophesied by multiple prophets over thousands of years. We heard him, saw him, spoke to him, touched him, witnessed him resurrected and saw him ascend into heaven. The Holy Spirit is working miracles through us to confirm that Jesus is on his throne at the Father's side and that our message is true."
This song is an attempt to share that same heart and preach that good news to myself. It was recorded in my office on Garageband tonight.
Here Am I (listen)
Listen up now and turn you ear, If you really got ears to hear, Cause the God-man’s come to earth And with miracles he was confirmed. And what he said and did Was not like anyone who’s ever lived. Even God witnessed and said, “This is my Son, Listen to Him” And he says:
Here am I, my children testified, I was crucified and died, I rose up indestructible. Here am I, physically alive, put your fingers in my side, repent, believe and be forgiven. Here am I, at the Father’s side, The universe is mine, I come to judge the dead and living. Here am I, God’s wrath is right outside, As the morning takes the night, Here am I, You must receive me or deny.
What all nature shows and shouts, The law of God itself expounds And with the histories and Psalms, The prophets they all sing along We suppressed what God made plain, And our hearts they have gone insane. Jesus said he had the only Name, Whereby anybody, anywhere must be saved.
Here am I, my children testified, I was crucified and died, I rose up indestructible. Here am I, physically alive, put your fingers in my side, repent, believe and be forgiven. Here am I, at the Father’s side, The universe is mine, I come to judge the dead and living. Here am I, God’s wrath is right outside, As the morning takes the night, Here am I, You must receive me or deny.
He is a person and not an idea, He is a person and not a system He is a person and not a belief, He is a person and He is telling you now….
Here am I, my children testified, I was crucified and died, I rose up indestructible. Here am I, physically alive, put your fingers in my side, repent, believe and be forgiven. Here am I, at the Father’s side, The universe is mine, I come to judge the dead and living. Here am I, God’s wrath is right outside, As the morning takes the night, Here am I, You must receive me or deny.